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Planning Board Minutes 07/10/2014
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Members Present:  Chairman Kevin Mara, Vice-Chairman Tom Jameson, Ex-Officio Jeffrey Jordan, Stan Brehm, Tom Houle, Allen Mayville, Richard Moore, and Secretary Jamie A Pike.

Others Present:  Anne Davis, Jim & Michelle Plunkett, Tom Jabonowski

Chairman Mara called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.

The minutes of the June 5, 2014 meeting were reviewed.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as corrected noting that Vice-Chairman Jameson called the meeting to order.  Motion passes.

The Agricultural Commission was present to review their drafted chapter for the Master Plan.  Mr. Brehm discussed the points that farming and agriculture is primarily a permitted use throughout the zoning ordinance across the town.  Mr. Moore and Mr. Jameson reviewed a number of the goals presented.  

There was continued discussion about the goals and objectives of the Agricultural Commission regarding community planning and education efforts.    Mr. Moore segued into a discussion regarding signs and if the Ag Commission had any comment on the previously proposed ordinance.  

Mr. Houle proposed for discussion the idea of “Smart Growth.”  Ms. Davis defined this term as the maintenance of community character while allowing growth.  

A motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Jameson to include, incorporate the presented materials as part of the Master Plan.  Motion passes.

Tom Giovagnoli was present to propose, on a conceptual level, the development of a poultry/egg farm on Bear Hill Road.  Dr. Mara has previously spoken with Town Council regarding the possibility of the development of an egg farm in the agricultural zone and if the Planning Board has the authority to review the development.  Town council recommended thorough review of the proposal.  (The email correspondence from the town’s council to Dr. Mara shall be forwarded to all members of the board.) The Board asked general questions regarding the operation of such a business.  Major points brought forward were the size of the structure, noise, odor, and vehicle traffic.  Mr.  Moore discussed the Obnoxious Use chapter of the zoning ordinance specifically to odor.  Mr. Moore asked if there was any way to scientifically measure odor. Page 524   Mr. Mayville shared his experience with the many chicken farms throughout the town that used to exist.  Mr. & Mrs. Plunkett expressed their concern over the potential odor that could arise from the development.  Ms. Plunkett further expressed that she believed the proposal is not farming and is purely commercial in nature.

The Board reviewed the submitted application for a Home Occupation for the next meeting.  The Board would like to review the State requirements for a daycare facility before the next meeting.

The Board briefly discussed the Subdivision Regulations specifically with respect lot design.  Mr. Pike was requested to gather regulations from other municipalities that regulated such.

The Board was presented with Site Review regulations from the Town of Allenstown.  These had been recently revised in whole.  The Board requested a report that compared the regulations to those currently adopted.

The Board was presented with the preparatory guidelines for the upcoming community Charrette.  The Charrette is tentatively scheduled for October 17th & 18th.  

Being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Mayville and seconded by Mr. Brehm to adjourn the meeting at 7:54pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike, Secretary

Not approved until signed.

Kevin J Mara, DVM